Thursday, 21 February 2013

Top Five Ski Boot Fitting Tips

Top Five Ski Boot Fitting Tips

Footpro Melbourne - Ski boot fitting Professionals

1) Be patient and allocate enough time. A ski boot fitting will take approx two hours. Trying on ski boots and the boot selection process will take up a third of that time, the rest of the time will be spent analysing the foot type and assessing your biomechanics, constructing a custom ski boot insole and then completing the fit with any required modifications.

2) Get in early. Get your boots fitted at the start of the season when stock levels are good. Even midway through the season the selection of boots is smaller in certain models and sizes. This means your boot fitting technician is potentially working on a smaller range and only able to show you what would have been third and forth choices one month earlier.

3) Don't bother researching ski boot models, research ski boot fitters. In my experience most people who spend hours researching the best boots end up more confused then informed. Ski boot write ups don't explain how each brand and model will have a different last (foot shape) which results in you getting excited about a ski boot that was never going to fit. On the other hand, researching who can provide the best boot fitting service is something worth spending time on. Google and ski forums are good places to start looking and don't be afraid to call past the ski boot shop prior to your purchase and suss out what they offer.

4) Communication is the key. Great ski boot fits are made easier when customer and ski boot technician are communicating well. To start off it helps to talk with your technician about previous experiences, medical conditions, skiing goals and where you like to ski. No point trying on a high end freeride boots when you spend most of your time skiing terrain park. A skilled boot fitter can make all the right moves but the customer has to do their part and communicate with the boot technician about whats going on inside the boots. If only feet could talk.

5) Comfort and performance does exist. Get your boots fitted professionally and they become an extension of your body. No more blaming your boots for a lack of ability. To achieve this level of fit the boots will feel very tight to start and gradually get more comfortable over the next two days of skiing. The comfort of the boots will evolve because the internal liner of the ski boot is designed to stretch and pack out. After this stage of wearing in you can better judge the need for further boot modifications. If you do need something tweaked it's always best to return to Footpro where we offer a comfort guarantee that includes free boot adjustment.
In the name of happy feet!


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